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Light Club
directed by Huei Li Yap
3 min - Animation, Drama, Mystery
Light Club
directed by Huei Li Yap
3 min - Animation, Drama, Mystery
SYNOPSIS: It is the darkest moment of the night, when the last light at the carnival disappears. It is then that a little man with a light as a head, Apollo, is looking for company. Each encounter with a seemingly cozy group he gets completely ignored until he reaches the mirror palace.
Drama, Mystery
3 Minutes 24 Seconds
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Light Club
directed by Huei Li Yap
SYNOPSIS: It is the darkest moment of the night, when the last light at the carnival disappears. It is then that a little man with a light as a head, Apollo, is looking for company. Each encounter with a seemingly cozy group he gets completely ignored until he reaches the mirror palace.