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directed by Sofia Gamisonia & Ilya Malyshev
11 min - Drama, Experimental, Romance
directed by Sofia Gamisonia & Ilya Malyshev
11 min - Drama, Experimental, Romance
SYNOPSIS: First Tinder date in Berlin. Establishing instant connection, but at the same time seeing the narcissistic red flags makes the protagonist Beatrice (Denise Balaz) question the genuineness of the encounter and she is confronted with her fear of being like a disposable object to Sebastian (Daniel Bedzent).
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directed by Sofia Gamisonia & Ilya Malyshev
SYNOPSIS: First Tinder date in Berlin. Establishing instant connection, but at the same time seeing the narcissistic red flags makes the protagonist Beatrice (Denise Balaz) question the genuineness of the encounter and she is confronted with her fear of being like a disposable object to Sebastian (Daniel Bedzent).