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directed by Melissa-Kelly Franklin
21 min - Drama, History
directed by Melissa-Kelly Franklin
21 min - Drama, History
SYNOPSIS: Sybil is a gifted young artist who discovers that her passion for both her work and her artist-lover are irreconcilable; a realisation which has devastating consequences. Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's short story 'The Oval Portrait', and Pre-Raphaelite artist lovers Elizabeth Siddal and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
Drama, History
21 Minutes 39 Seconds
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
'Portrait' is such a great piece of work. It is a story beautifully shot and hauntingly told. So often period short films fail due to bad costuming, set design or script, but this is the exact opposite. Would recommend.
I really love this movie and its dark narrative. The actors as well as the cinematography are spot-on. I'm also fascinated by the fact that it blends real events (the life and death of Elizabeth Siddal) and fictional element (from Edgar Allan Poe's legendary "Oval Portrait") to tell a facetted, feminist story.
This is an artistically shot piece, a film that very much evokes the era in which it is set through masterful costume, design and editing. At times slow but all the same a very beautifully told story.
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directed by Melissa-Kelly Franklin
SYNOPSIS: Sybil is a gifted young artist who discovers that her passion for both her work and her artist-lover are irreconcilable; a realisation which has devastating consequences. Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's short story 'The Oval Portrait', and Pre-Raphaelite artist lovers Elizabeth Siddal and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.