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directed by Paul Negoescu
11 min - Experimental, Fantasy
directed by Paul Negoescu
11 min - Experimental, Fantasy
SYNOPSIS: If a fisherman mysteriously disappears in the depth of the Black Sea and there is nobody around to hear him, does he make a sound?
Experimental, Fantasy
11 Minutes 0 Seconds
15,000 EUR
Good film, somewhat Hemingwayan. Even without a small monologue it is interesting to watch.
For a film with no dialogue, Horizon does a good job of holding the audiences attention. The narrative is actually fairly simple but asks an interesting and complicated question, which adds to its intrigue. An admirable performance by the lead actor, given that he had no dialogue to utilise. An interesting and original piece of film.
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directed by Paul Negoescu
SYNOPSIS: If a fisherman mysteriously disappears in the depth of the Black Sea and there is nobody around to hear him, does he make a sound?