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Free Will
directed by Shri Vishnu
11 min - Documentary, Family, History
Free Will
directed by Shri Vishnu
11 min - Documentary, Family, History
SYNOPSIS: You live in a world, where things work, in mysterious ways. Every action here is controlled by, unknown Influences. Vedic texts state, that even a leaf, can't move, or fall, without the will, of God. No one wishes to die, still, everyone dies one day. No one wishes to live in poverty still, major populations around the globe live below the poverty line. No one wants to be sick, still millions are taking medicines daily to even survive & you still think you are in control & have free will.
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Free Will
directed by Shri Vishnu
SYNOPSIS: You live in a world, where things work, in mysterious ways. Every action here is controlled by, unknown Influences. Vedic texts state, that even a leaf, can't move, or fall, without the will, of God. No one wishes to die, still, everyone dies one day. No one wishes to live in poverty still, major populations around the globe live below the poverty line. No one wants to be sick, still millions are taking medicines daily to even survive & you still think you are in control & have free will.