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I Think My Girlfriend F*cked Jake Gyllenhaal
directed by Max Cantor
16 min - Comedy
I Think My Girlfriend F*cked Jake Gyllenhaal
directed by Max Cantor
16 min - Comedy
SYNOPSIS: Mike finds out his ex-girlfriend may have had sex with Jake Gyllenhaal, and he sets out on a strange, pathetic odyssey to find the truth.
16 Minutes 0 Seconds
8,000 USD
United States
United States
I enjoyed this story a lot, the editing, style it's told in and the humour, all make it stand out as an entertaining and original short film.
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I Think My Girlfriend F*cked Jake Gyllenhaal
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I Think My Girlfriend F*cked Jake Gyllenhaal
directed by Max Cantor
SYNOPSIS: Mike finds out his ex-girlfriend may have had sex with Jake Gyllenhaal, and he sets out on a strange, pathetic odyssey to find the truth.