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In Other Words
directed by Burton Chaikin
18 min - Drama
In Other Words
directed by Burton Chaikin
18 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: 9 year-old Ben has always been curious about the world around him and depended on his older sister Liana to teach him everything he needed to know as he grew up. She's been gone at college for the past year, though, leaving him in his large old house without his favorite role model. When she mysteriously returns, he decides to use their shared love of writing to trick her into explaining her dark experiences from the past few months. In doing so, Ben learns more than he ever expected.
18 Minutes 30 Seconds
10,000 USD
United States
United States
A succinctly told sentimental (but not overly) story of sibling healing through writing.
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In Other Words
directed by Burton Chaikin
SYNOPSIS: 9 year-old Ben has always been curious about the world around him and depended on his older sister Liana to teach him everything he needed to know as he grew up. She's been gone at college for the past year, though, leaving him in his large old house without his favorite role model. When she mysteriously returns, he decides to use their shared love of writing to trick her into explaining her dark experiences from the past few months. In doing so, Ben learns more than he ever expected.