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directed by Mauricio Espinoza
15 min - Drama, Romance
directed by Mauricio Espinoza
15 min - Drama, Romance
SYNOPSIS: Julia is an alcoholic woman who’s secretly obsessed with her tenant Claudio. After going to search for the origin of a leak on her apartment, Julia meets her friendly neighbor Leonor. Her loneliness and addiction will take Julia’s obsession to another level, leading her to reveal her true feelings.

Very strong drama, the nuances of character and dialogue are extremely well written, acted, and directed. A poignant and sad story.
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directed by Mauricio Espinoza
SYNOPSIS: Julia is an alcoholic woman who’s secretly obsessed with her tenant Claudio. After going to search for the origin of a leak on her apartment, Julia meets her friendly neighbor Leonor. Her loneliness and addiction will take Julia’s obsession to another level, leading her to reveal her true feelings.