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KNH (What remains from the walls)
directed by Julie Sando
11 min - Documentary, Drama
KNH (What remains from the walls)
directed by Julie Sando
11 min - Documentary, Drama
SYNOPSIS: In a small village in Japan, a derelict house is about to collapse. However, there lie the memories of a family. Through a woman's monologue, we seem to capture the images of the girl, the grandma and the man who had existed in the place. The house is going to be pulled down, and who will remember the history buried underneath the rubble?
11 Minutes 0 Seconds
1,000 EUR
A contemplative visual poem about a crumbling house. Mysterious; dwells a little too long once the point has been made, but haunting.
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KNH (What remains from the walls)
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KNH (What remains from the walls)
directed by Julie Sando
SYNOPSIS: In a small village in Japan, a derelict house is about to collapse. However, there lie the memories of a family. Through a woman's monologue, we seem to capture the images of the girl, the grandma and the man who had existed in the place. The house is going to be pulled down, and who will remember the history buried underneath the rubble?