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directed by Michele Tataranni
13 min - Drama
directed by Michele Tataranni
13 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: In a world that is too fast, some survive in total indifference. The "decent" people, on the other hand, are too concerned with themselves and do not notice what surrounds them.
13 Minutes 0 Seconds
2,000 EUR
People with different occupation expressing their view of life and morals. What is wrong and what is right? Do we have right to judge any of them?
A dive into the nuances of the human condition. Interesting dialogue and performances that provide some emotion, but fall a little flat.
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directed by Michele Tataranni
SYNOPSIS: In a world that is too fast, some survive in total indifference. The "decent" people, on the other hand, are too concerned with themselves and do not notice what surrounds them.