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Red Velvet Revolution - Part 3
directed by Viviana Di Capua
14 min - Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Red Velvet Revolution - Part 3
directed by Viviana Di Capua
14 min - Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
SYNOPSIS: A revolution doesn't have to involve violence. A revolution doesn't have to involve spite and hate. The real heroes simply turn their back on the old world and look for another direction.
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
14 Minutes 6 Seconds
Trained as a filmmaker and graduated with honors in Cinema from La Sapienza University of Rome, working on a variety of projects ranging from promotional video content and live events to music videos and web series.
Viviana Di Capua
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Red Velvet Revolution - Part 3
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Red Velvet Revolution - Part 3
directed by Viviana Di Capua
SYNOPSIS: A revolution doesn't have to involve violence. A revolution doesn't have to involve spite and hate. The real heroes simply turn their back on the old world and look for another direction.