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The Four Loves
directed by Stefan Meylaers
16 min - Documentary, Biography, History
The Four Loves
directed by Stefan Meylaers
16 min - Documentary, Biography, History
SYNOPSIS: The Four Loves is a beautiful and original musical and visual tribute to love. Inspired by the famous book by CS Lewis, the international acclaimed Italian sculptor Lorenzo Quinn made one of his most successful works of art based on the four types of human love: Agape, Eros, Philia and Storge. With the musical translation by the Belgian composer / pianist Stefan Meylaers the story of The Four Loves seems to be completed. This artistic documentary, accompanied by the integral performance of the
Biography, History
16 Minutes 36 Seconds
20,000 EUR
Belgium, Spain
A lovely musical journey through the four types of human love, well structured and interesting.
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The Four Loves
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The Four Loves
directed by Stefan Meylaers
SYNOPSIS: The Four Loves is a beautiful and original musical and visual tribute to love. Inspired by the famous book by CS Lewis, the international acclaimed Italian sculptor Lorenzo Quinn made one of his most successful works of art based on the four types of human love: Agape, Eros, Philia and Storge. With the musical translation by the Belgian composer / pianist Stefan Meylaers the story of The Four Loves seems to be completed. This artistic documentary, accompanied by the integral performance of the