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directed by Benjamín Rojo
22 min - Drama
directed by Benjamín Rojo
22 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Andrea scapes her loneliness through fantasies with men surroinding her. A missplaced nail on the wall will lead to his neighbor Marcos, a man who suddenly will be involved even in her fantasies. Sumergida en una vida rutinaria, Andrea escapa de su soledad a través de delirantes fantasías con los hombres que la rodean. Sin embargo, un clavo mal puesto en la muralla hará a su vecino, Marcos, entrar en su vida, hasta el punto de irrumpir incluso en su imaginación.

Drama that spins off into fantasy as this main character lets her imagination wander. Unique story and very well producted short.
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directed by Benjamín Rojo
SYNOPSIS: Andrea scapes her loneliness through fantasies with men surroinding her. A missplaced nail on the wall will lead to his neighbor Marcos, a man who suddenly will be involved even in her fantasies. Sumergida en una vida rutinaria, Andrea escapa de su soledad a través de delirantes fantasías con los hombres que la rodean. Sin embargo, un clavo mal puesto en la muralla hará a su vecino, Marcos, entrar en su vida, hasta el punto de irrumpir incluso en su imaginación.