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The Final Punchline
directed by DJ Evans
10 min - Comedy, Drama, Mystery
The Final Punchline
directed by DJ Evans
10 min - Comedy, Drama, Mystery
SYNOPSIS: Happy-go-lucky Jason Rees takes to stand-up comedy to make sense of a life-changing medical diagnosis, but will comedy take to him? After a chance meeting at the hospital, he begins to suspect that all is not as it seems...
Comedy, Drama, Mystery
10 Minutes 9 Seconds
15,000 GBP
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Well made and with a certain charm, although at times some parts of the story weren't totally clear.
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The Final Punchline
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The Final Punchline
directed by DJ Evans
SYNOPSIS: Happy-go-lucky Jason Rees takes to stand-up comedy to make sense of a life-changing medical diagnosis, but will comedy take to him? After a chance meeting at the hospital, he begins to suspect that all is not as it seems...