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directed by Linus Ignatius
12 min - Comedy, Drama
directed by Linus Ignatius
12 min - Comedy, Drama
SYNOPSIS: Trey feels small. Gay and lonely in NYC, he is surrounded by hulking and intimidating men. He engages in skirmishes with toxic masculinity everywhere. Newly diagnosed with HIV, Trey hooks up with the biggest, meanest man, even after the man refuses to use protection. After an aggressive, painful screw, Trey is alone with his shame. The next morning he sees he has gained a pound and rejoices.
Comedy, Drama
12 Minutes 0 Seconds
25,000 USD
United States
United States
It's nicely shot and a slick production, dealing with some intense and slightly graphic themes.
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directed by Linus Ignatius
SYNOPSIS: Trey feels small. Gay and lonely in NYC, he is surrounded by hulking and intimidating men. He engages in skirmishes with toxic masculinity everywhere. Newly diagnosed with HIV, Trey hooks up with the biggest, meanest man, even after the man refuses to use protection. After an aggressive, painful screw, Trey is alone with his shame. The next morning he sees he has gained a pound and rejoices.