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Rooftop Battle
directed by Hsun Yuan
19 min - Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Rooftop Battle
directed by Hsun Yuan
19 min - Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
SYNOPSIS: “Rooftop Law” set the rules for rooftop battlers. Yu-Lun Wu battled for Chao-Min Chen’s rooftop with his “rooftop challenge note”. After winning the rooftop, he got his “ownership certificate”. Ci-Ke Yu, with her fresh rooftop challenge note, came to battle for Wu’s rooftop. Unexpectedly, Wu found out that Yu was pregnant. Yu asked him to stay, he argued that she should observe the Rooftop Law as “one rooftop shall not accommodate more than one person”.
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
19 Minutes 58 Seconds
I love the way this film addresses on social issues in such a creative way! This is totally a must-see! I also love how they put in so many sci-fi elements, even though this film is mainly talking about housing problems. It's impressive! Highly recommend to you all!!!
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Rooftop Battle
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Rooftop Battle
directed by Hsun Yuan
SYNOPSIS: “Rooftop Law” set the rules for rooftop battlers. Yu-Lun Wu battled for Chao-Min Chen’s rooftop with his “rooftop challenge note”. After winning the rooftop, he got his “ownership certificate”. Ci-Ke Yu, with her fresh rooftop challenge note, came to battle for Wu’s rooftop. Unexpectedly, Wu found out that Yu was pregnant. Yu asked him to stay, he argued that she should observe the Rooftop Law as “one rooftop shall not accommodate more than one person”.