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No Single Origin
directed by Alejandra Alcala & Francisco Alcala
19 min - Documentary, Drama
No Single Origin
directed by Alejandra Alcala & Francisco Alcala
19 min - Documentary, Drama
SYNOPSIS: A short film follows a Tennessee native as he learns about the complexity of refugee resettlement and turns to the coffee industry to build a launchpad towards a path of self-sufficiency starting nonprofit 1951 Coffee. 3 graduates from their Barista Training Program share their experiences, revealing their challenges and struggles after resettlement. A profound friendship unfolds when the four stories converge, highlighting the importance of human connection and community driven support.
19 Minutes 0 Seconds
20,000 USD
United States
United States
Alejandra is a Visual Designer based in Barcelona for the past 7 years. Even though she graduated as a Graphic Designer, her career has led her to explore and practice different disciplines like storytelling, animatio ...
Alejandra Alcala
This is a nice, original and well-made documentary about a great venture, bringing people together and creating opportunity through working at a cafe.
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No Single Origin
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No Single Origin
directed by Alejandra Alcala & Francisco Alcala
SYNOPSIS: A short film follows a Tennessee native as he learns about the complexity of refugee resettlement and turns to the coffee industry to build a launchpad towards a path of self-sufficiency starting nonprofit 1951 Coffee. 3 graduates from their Barista Training Program share their experiences, revealing their challenges and struggles after resettlement. A profound friendship unfolds when the four stories converge, highlighting the importance of human connection and community driven support.