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One for the other
directed by Philippe MICHEL
14 min - Drama
One for the other
directed by Philippe MICHEL
14 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Two women wounded by life, with diametrically opposed characters, meet by chance at the table of a brewery. An exclusive and singular relationship forms between the two women.
14 Minutes 28 Seconds
12,000 USD
Holder of a doctoral thesis from the University of Paris IV – Sorbonne, Philippe Michel has jointly studied film and music history courses. He has been writing and directing short films and short documentaries for ...
Philippe MICHEL
This is his first role in a short film. Before that, she played in amateur footage.
Celine Cuvelier
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One for the other
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One for the other
directed by Philippe MICHEL
SYNOPSIS: Two women wounded by life, with diametrically opposed characters, meet by chance at the table of a brewery. An exclusive and singular relationship forms between the two women.