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Only the Lonely
directed by Melissa-Kelly Franklin
13 min - Comedy, Drama, Experimental
Only the Lonely
directed by Melissa-Kelly Franklin
13 min - Comedy, Drama, Experimental
SYNOPSIS: Aíma has a dark secret & debilitating agoraphobia. To alleviate her loneliness she immerses herself in a tantalising online-world where she meets and connects with a like-minded stranger. She's not afraid of what the outside world could do to her, but rather, what she might do to it.
Comedy, Drama, Experimental
13 Minutes 22 Seconds
United Kingdom
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Only the Lonely
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Only the Lonely
directed by Melissa-Kelly Franklin
SYNOPSIS: Aíma has a dark secret & debilitating agoraphobia. To alleviate her loneliness she immerses herself in a tantalising online-world where she meets and connects with a like-minded stranger. She's not afraid of what the outside world could do to her, but rather, what she might do to it.