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Out of the blue
directed by Céline Baril
33 min - Drama
Out of the blue
directed by Céline Baril
33 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Instead of enjoying her vacations in a peaceful peninsula of Turkey, Anna feels stuck in a strange torpor, while her boyfriend, Thomas, doesn't seem to notice it at all. Later in the afternoon, when a little girl suddenly disappears on the beach, Anna awakens and decides to go and find her, despite the unknown and the nightfall.
33 Minutes 0 Seconds
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Out of the blue
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Out of the blue
directed by Céline Baril
SYNOPSIS: Instead of enjoying her vacations in a peaceful peninsula of Turkey, Anna feels stuck in a strange torpor, while her boyfriend, Thomas, doesn't seem to notice it at all. Later in the afternoon, when a little girl suddenly disappears on the beach, Anna awakens and decides to go and find her, despite the unknown and the nightfall.