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Patty Lovesick
directed by James Fitchett
19 min - Comedy, Romance
Patty Lovesick
directed by James Fitchett
19 min - Comedy, Romance
SYNOPSIS: A film about a guy who is allergic to his girlfriend. His mind is telling him yes, but his body is telling him no.
Comedy, Romance
19 Minutes 20 Seconds
7,500 USD
Black & White
Sincere, naive and dizzy; not typically the best attributes of a producer, but Josh pulls it off. Joshua has been working with James for several years and was a natural fit to produce his masterpiece. Today you can fi ...
Joshua Fitzpatrick
Strong acting, good dialogue and an amusing story, I enjoyed this film although it could have been shorter and still worked just as well in my opinion.
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Patty Lovesick
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Patty Lovesick
directed by James Fitchett
SYNOPSIS: A film about a guy who is allergic to his girlfriend. His mind is telling him yes, but his body is telling him no.