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directed by Gabriel Robertson
15 min - Comedy, Drama
directed by Gabriel Robertson
15 min - Comedy, Drama
SYNOPSIS: Following a devastating discovery, and seemingly out of options, twenty something CAS prepares to end it all - before noticing something unusual outside that shakes him from his suicidal intent. Investigating his backyard, Cas finds the object of his attention - a six month old baby abandoned by the trash - and takes it back to his apartment, where he is soon joined by former best friend PAUL who, despite the tension between them, agrees to help. After calling the Police, their acrimony comes.
Comedy, Drama
15 Minutes 0 Seconds
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Good film with nearly perfect tone of the story, it is not predictable at all, that is one of the most important things to keeps the watchers attention.
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directed by Gabriel Robertson
SYNOPSIS: Following a devastating discovery, and seemingly out of options, twenty something CAS prepares to end it all - before noticing something unusual outside that shakes him from his suicidal intent. Investigating his backyard, Cas finds the object of his attention - a six month old baby abandoned by the trash - and takes it back to his apartment, where he is soon joined by former best friend PAUL who, despite the tension between them, agrees to help. After calling the Police, their acrimony comes.