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directed by Jeanny Gering
16 min - Documentary, Drama
directed by Jeanny Gering
16 min - Documentary, Drama
SYNOPSIS: Power is about women and girls in India who are learning to fight back. Debi Steven, martial arts champion and self defense teacher from London, is on a mission. After the Delhi gang rape in 2012 she founded the organisation ACTION BREAKS SILENCE to teach women and girls in India self defense. Following her work and meeting the women and girls in Debi's training, the film explores what it is like to be a woman in India today.
16 Minutes 50 Seconds
5,000 EUR
An important documentary about empowering young girls in India that includes some personal, moving stories.
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directed by Jeanny Gering
SYNOPSIS: Power is about women and girls in India who are learning to fight back. Debi Steven, martial arts champion and self defense teacher from London, is on a mission. After the Delhi gang rape in 2012 she founded the organisation ACTION BREAKS SILENCE to teach women and girls in India self defense. Following her work and meeting the women and girls in Debi's training, the film explores what it is like to be a woman in India today.