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Homecoming:Veterans, Wives and Mothers
directed by Roxanne Messina Captor
33 min - Documentary, Drama, Family
Homecoming:Veterans, Wives and Mothers
directed by Roxanne Messina Captor
33 min - Documentary, Drama, Family
SYNOPSIS: After serving on the front lines, Women Warriors return home to face a new battlefield... HOMEFRONT. Challenges of motherhood, PTSD, physical and emotional disabilities, homelessness, and disenfranchised families plague these women veterans as they adjust to home life.
Drama, Family
33 Minutes 0 Seconds
50,000 USD
United States
United States
A really sincere and engaging account of women coming home from war, -a perspective not normally shown. Excellent documentary and insights.
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Homecoming:Veterans, Wives and Mothers
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Homecoming:Veterans, Wives and Mothers
directed by Roxanne Messina Captor
SYNOPSIS: After serving on the front lines, Women Warriors return home to face a new battlefield... HOMEFRONT. Challenges of motherhood, PTSD, physical and emotional disabilities, homelessness, and disenfranchised families plague these women veterans as they adjust to home life.