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Superhero Me
directed by David Bradburn
35 min - Action, Drama
Superhero Me
directed by David Bradburn
35 min - Action, Drama
SYNOPSIS: Not your ordinary superhero movie-- no lycra, no costumes. Our hero is loved by his community for his heroic deeds, but he's not loved by himself. Watch as he attempts to reconcile his extra-ordinary gifts and his self-perceived social awkwardness. His journey leads him to have to decide who has the truest perception of him; himself or those around him.
Action, Drama
35 Minutes 0 Seconds
United States
United States

You can tell a lot of work went into the production of this short, it's a unique superhero story with a heart.
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Superhero Me
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Superhero Me
directed by David Bradburn
SYNOPSIS: Not your ordinary superhero movie-- no lycra, no costumes. Our hero is loved by his community for his heroic deeds, but he's not loved by himself. Watch as he attempts to reconcile his extra-ordinary gifts and his self-perceived social awkwardness. His journey leads him to have to decide who has the truest perception of him; himself or those around him.