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The Boy in the Bubble
directed by Kealan O'Rourke
7 min - Animation, Drama, Fantasy
The Boy in the Bubble
directed by Kealan O'Rourke
7 min - Animation, Drama, Fantasy
SYNOPSIS: Rupert, a ten year old boy, falls hopelessly in love for the first time. When it all goes terribly wrong, he wishes never to experience heartache again. Turning to a book of magic, he invokes a spell to shield him from emotion forever.
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The Boy in the Bubble
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The Boy in the Bubble
directed by Kealan O'Rourke
SYNOPSIS: Rupert, a ten year old boy, falls hopelessly in love for the first time. When it all goes terribly wrong, he wishes never to experience heartache again. Turning to a book of magic, he invokes a spell to shield him from emotion forever.