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The Songwriter
directed by Beau Han Bridge
19 min - Drama, Thriller
The Songwriter
directed by Beau Han Bridge
19 min - Drama, Thriller
SYNOPSIS: Elizabeth Rose has a secret passion for recording songs in her apartment, but her insecurities lead her to never telling anyone about it. She decides to hire a freelance "Songwriter" to come to help her record an album.
Drama, Thriller
19 Minutes 22 Seconds
500 USD
Beau Han Bridge (born 1993) is a Chinese-Canadian director, writer, and actor. In 2017, he created Midtwenties Theatre Society, a nonprofit theatre company, to produce original plays that focus on contemporary-millenn ...
Beau Han Bridge
Kind of an abstract look at what it means to be an artist/ musician trying to find meaning
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The Songwriter
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The Songwriter
directed by Beau Han Bridge
SYNOPSIS: Elizabeth Rose has a secret passion for recording songs in her apartment, but her insecurities lead her to never telling anyone about it. She decides to hire a freelance "Songwriter" to come to help her record an album.