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directed by Kyle Sawyer
12 min - Drama
directed by Kyle Sawyer
12 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: A mannequin at a vintage clothing store falls in love with his human coworker and must confront their insurmountable differences.
12 Minutes 40 Seconds
5,000 USD
United States
I really enjoyed this short, the story creates a lot of pathos for an expressionless mannequin which is down to skillful story telling and direction.
I thought the idea was inventive, sad and funny at the same time. but honestly, i wanted to see more of the mannequin interacting with the girl...instead it kinda ended up being a boring walkthrough of the mannequin's day. and the "wheeling" sound when he was moving everywhere should have been taken out, made it seem accidental or something. Film not bad by any means...just hoped for more.
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directed by Kyle Sawyer
SYNOPSIS: A mannequin at a vintage clothing store falls in love with his human coworker and must confront their insurmountable differences.