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directed by D.J. Rivera
4 min - Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
directed by D.J. Rivera
4 min - Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
SYNOPSIS: In 2020 the worlds first working nano drone was developed. This molecule-sized predator drone was designed to turn a human into a VMD, vessel of mass destruction. After several attempts, no subject could survive the cerebral connection. The Project was terminated. On December 18th, 2020, one of these drones turned itself on and hunts for its match, subject 0.
Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
4 Minutes 59 Seconds
500 USD
United States
United States
Its a neat idea and told fairly succinctly with the subtitles but for me lacks some essential conflict and emotional connection to be fully invested. A unique piece though.
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directed by D.J. Rivera
SYNOPSIS: In 2020 the worlds first working nano drone was developed. This molecule-sized predator drone was designed to turn a human into a VMD, vessel of mass destruction. After several attempts, no subject could survive the cerebral connection. The Project was terminated. On December 18th, 2020, one of these drones turned itself on and hunts for its match, subject 0.