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Wild Tides
directed by Rachael Dudley & Kate Curly
12 min - Documentary, Adventure, Biography
Wild Tides
directed by Rachael Dudley & Kate Curly
12 min - Documentary, Adventure, Biography
SYNOPSIS: A deep passion for the ocean and rainforest led Amanda Swinimer to the West coast of Vancouver Island. Here she spends her days immersed in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest. With the help of her apprentice, she wild harvests at the most ideal time of the season so that the seaweed continues to grow year after year.
Adventure, Biography
12 Minutes 0 Seconds
1,000 USD
Gentle and informative profile of a woman and her apprentice working to harvest wild seaweed
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Wild Tides
directed by Rachael Dudley & Kate Curly
SYNOPSIS: A deep passion for the ocean and rainforest led Amanda Swinimer to the West coast of Vancouver Island. Here she spends her days immersed in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest. With the help of her apprentice, she wild harvests at the most ideal time of the season so that the seaweed continues to grow year after year.