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A Short Film About Education
directed by Nemo Arancibia
18 min - Drama
A Short Film About Education
directed by Nemo Arancibia
18 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Jorge (50) is a math teacher who is hired to teach on a school with serious disciplinary issues. He will face the bullying that a group of students, lead by Elias (16), practice on Benjamin (15). The feeling of impotence for the injustified practices will take Jor- ge to corrupt he’s own moral
18 Minutes 38 Seconds
This gritty short film deals with difficult issues with some very natural actors and situations.
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A Short Film About Education
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A Short Film About Education
directed by Nemo Arancibia
SYNOPSIS: Jorge (50) is a math teacher who is hired to teach on a school with serious disciplinary issues. He will face the bullying that a group of students, lead by Elias (16), practice on Benjamin (15). The feeling of impotence for the injustified practices will take Jor- ge to corrupt he’s own moral