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EZK Beyond the Walls
directed by Shawn Pyfrom
14 min - Documentary
EZK Beyond the Walls
directed by Shawn Pyfrom
14 min - Documentary
SYNOPSIS: UNTITLED EZK DOCUMENTARY is the story of Eric ZeKing, also known as EZK, a French street artist who uses his art for social and political comment, and whose work, which he strives to align with his values, has become a proactive tool for change over the past ten years.
14 Minutes 8 Seconds
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EZK Beyond the Walls
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EZK Beyond the Walls
directed by Shawn Pyfrom
SYNOPSIS: UNTITLED EZK DOCUMENTARY is the story of Eric ZeKing, also known as EZK, a French street artist who uses his art for social and political comment, and whose work, which he strives to align with his values, has become a proactive tool for change over the past ten years.