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Above The Mist
directed by Gabriel Galand
7 min - Drama
Above The Mist
directed by Gabriel Galand
7 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Moon no longer wants to live. He gets contacted by an illegal agency in the countryside who promises a clean death to him. The only condition is for him to get rid of his remaining personal belongings, which he does. Moon passes out after drinking poisoned tea. When he wakes up, he’s on an abandoned cabin on the middle of a lake with a rotting corpse inside. Moon realizes too late, that what he thought would be an assisted suicide turns out to be plain murder.
7 Minutes 35 Seconds
1,000 USD
South Korea
South Korea
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Above The Mist
directed by Gabriel Galand
SYNOPSIS: Moon no longer wants to live. He gets contacted by an illegal agency in the countryside who promises a clean death to him. The only condition is for him to get rid of his remaining personal belongings, which he does. Moon passes out after drinking poisoned tea. When he wakes up, he’s on an abandoned cabin on the middle of a lake with a rotting corpse inside. Moon realizes too late, that what he thought would be an assisted suicide turns out to be plain murder.