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Bleoistraat 11
directed by Nienke Deutz
9 min - Animation, Comedy, Drama
Bleoistraat 11
directed by Nienke Deutz
9 min - Animation, Comedy, Drama
SYNOPSIS: Inseparable best friends spend their last summer holiday of childhood amusing themselves around the house. As summer progresses their bodies start to morph and shift and an awkwardness descends on their friendship. Puberty seems determined to interrupt their bond.
Comedy, Drama
9 Minutes 41 Seconds
Slightly surreal, offbeat animation that successfully captures a certain time of life for two young friends.
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Bleoistraat 11
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Bleoistraat 11
directed by Nienke Deutz
SYNOPSIS: Inseparable best friends spend their last summer holiday of childhood amusing themselves around the house. As summer progresses their bodies start to morph and shift and an awkwardness descends on their friendship. Puberty seems determined to interrupt their bond.