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I feel lost
directed by Juan Manuel Aragón & Jesús Soria
12 min - Comedy, Romance
I feel lost
directed by Juan Manuel Aragón & Jesús Soria
12 min - Comedy, Romance
SYNOPSIS: Javier feels an existential emptiness after watching the last episode of LOST. Little by little, a strange force pushes him further and further into a voyage of self-discovery. What starts as a game could end up ... as a game!
Comedy, Romance
12 Minutes 54 Seconds
5,500 EUR
Juan Manuel Aragón is a screenplayer and Cinema director. He is also co-founder of “Mesa5 Producciones” where has directed the followings short films: I Feel Lost (2012), Hooligan Hairdresser (2012), Je Déteste ...
Juan Manuel Aragón
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I feel lost
directed by Juan Manuel Aragón & Jesús Soria
SYNOPSIS: Javier feels an existential emptiness after watching the last episode of LOST. Little by little, a strange force pushes him further and further into a voyage of self-discovery. What starts as a game could end up ... as a game!