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directed by Jacqueline Lenztou
28 min - Drama
directed by Jacqueline Lenztou
28 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: A boiling day in Athens, Greece. Stephanos, the eldest brother, is working out, while his mother is planning on a day-out. After another intense fight between them, Stephanos is left alone to take care of his two younger siblings and Lucy, their family dog. Lucy is sick. The day goes by smoothly with summery laziness, among pizza boxes, adolescent flirt and a phone that remains unanswered. What will dramatically change their day is Lucy’s death. Yet, more changes are coming for the family.
28 Minutes 0 Seconds
20,000 EUR
This is a delicately filmed tragic story, shot with realism and a strong sense of atmosphere. I found it beautiful and liked how it slowly built to its finale. The dialogue, the things unsaid, the characters were all very well handled. Has the feel of a feature in a short.
The important thing about this film is family, and I believed the characters! And, even though not a hugely engaging scenario, its a touching one. Pretty good film.
My favorite short of 2016, a modern version of ancient Greek tragedy... Happening in a warm day in Athens, in a modern single-mom family. A short where you have the time to sympathise with the characters, enter their lives, enter their pains... Proof that Greek cinema has a lot to give in the times of a big crisis...
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directed by Jacqueline Lenztou
SYNOPSIS: A boiling day in Athens, Greece. Stephanos, the eldest brother, is working out, while his mother is planning on a day-out. After another intense fight between them, Stephanos is left alone to take care of his two younger siblings and Lucy, their family dog. Lucy is sick. The day goes by smoothly with summery laziness, among pizza boxes, adolescent flirt and a phone that remains unanswered. What will dramatically change their day is Lucy’s death. Yet, more changes are coming for the family.