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directed by Evan DeRushie
11 min - Animation, Comedy
directed by Evan DeRushie
11 min - Animation, Comedy
SYNOPSIS: Birdlime is the name for a sticky substance, usually made from holly bark or mistletoe, which is spread on branches to trap wild birds intended for export or trade. The film observes one bird who barely manages to escape this industry, yet remains trapped in a cage and surrounded by unfamiliar sounds and un-birdlike creatures.
11 Minutes 0 Seconds
40,000 USD

This is sweet, entertaining and well animated with a complete story that works on a funny and also emotional level.

You have to watch this film to see how cool it is... At some moments I just could not help laughing loud at work :). Stop motion is cool again!
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directed by Evan DeRushie
SYNOPSIS: Birdlime is the name for a sticky substance, usually made from holly bark or mistletoe, which is spread on branches to trap wild birds intended for export or trade. The film observes one bird who barely manages to escape this industry, yet remains trapped in a cage and surrounded by unfamiliar sounds and un-birdlike creatures.