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The Brothers
directed by David Rocchio
4 min - Family
The Brothers
directed by David Rocchio
4 min - Family
SYNOPSIS: Two brothers, annoyed and bored with each other, go on an adventure to see what an older boy, Ronnie, is up to. Can the older brother convince Ronnie not to roll himself down a ski jump in a tire?
4 Minutes 53 Seconds
United States
United States
For me this movie truly touches the core of what a short is all about: a simple yet powerful message captured in just a few minutes of video. The message in this movie I got from it is about how the biggest events in life are driven by the smallest. If the younger brother hadn't picked up the binoculars (small event) things could have gone in a totally different direction for Ronnie (major event).
A lovely, atmospheric film, that with little dialogue and beautifully-framed visuals tells a very poignant, truthful story.
Film that carries great message, interesting realization of an good idea. Younger brothers can indeed be smarter than older ones.
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The Brothers
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The Brothers
directed by David Rocchio
SYNOPSIS: Two brothers, annoyed and bored with each other, go on an adventure to see what an older boy, Ronnie, is up to. Can the older brother convince Ronnie not to roll himself down a ski jump in a tire?