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Lost Beneath the Stars
directed by Michael Kofsky
16 min - Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Lost Beneath the Stars
directed by Michael Kofsky
16 min - Adventure, Comedy, Drama
SYNOPSIS: Returning from a less than glamorous promo gig in Las Vegas, Jocelyn, and Chris, two down-on-their-luck LA actresses are forced to face their personal and professional insecurities through a series of unexpected obstacles, questionable characters, and events. A quirky dramedy that illustrates the struggle of pursuing dreams and the unexpected beauty to be discovered in the journey.
Adventure, Comedy, Drama
16 Minutes 0 Seconds
18,000 USD
Canada, United States
Claire Bermingham is an Irish actress, writer and producer. She received her BA in Drama from Trinity College, Dublin and scholarship winner at UC Irvine. Claire has performed in theaters over the globe, acting, singi ...
Claire Bermingham
Original, quirky and a solid script, the performances are very good and the setting and costumes add to the overall feel.
Funny, original, quirky. All words that can be used to describe this dry short. Excellent performances, well written dialogue and narrative and strong production quality.
Great film full of turnovers. Insecurity, doubt and fear could actually send us someday on a interesting adventure.
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Lost Beneath the Stars
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Lost Beneath the Stars
directed by Michael Kofsky
SYNOPSIS: Returning from a less than glamorous promo gig in Las Vegas, Jocelyn, and Chris, two down-on-their-luck LA actresses are forced to face their personal and professional insecurities through a series of unexpected obstacles, questionable characters, and events. A quirky dramedy that illustrates the struggle of pursuing dreams and the unexpected beauty to be discovered in the journey.