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Boogaloo and Graham
directed by Michael Lennox
14 min - Comedy, Drama, Family
Boogaloo and Graham
directed by Michael Lennox
14 min - Comedy, Drama, Family
SYNOPSIS: During the height of the troubles in Northern Ireland, Jamesy and Malachy are over the moon when their soft hearted dad presents them with two baby chicks to care for. Randomly christened Boogaloo and Graham, these birds become more domesticated than most household pets. Raising their tiny charges, declaring themselves vegetarian and dreaming of running a chicken farm, the two boys are in for a shock when their parents announce that big changes are coming to the family. A delightful family-frien
Comedy, Drama, Family
14 Minutes 35 Seconds
A nostalgic and sweet look at a moment in time of one family, with the backdrop of the troubles in Northern Ireland looming close.
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Boogaloo and Graham
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Boogaloo and Graham
directed by Michael Lennox
SYNOPSIS: During the height of the troubles in Northern Ireland, Jamesy and Malachy are over the moon when their soft hearted dad presents them with two baby chicks to care for. Randomly christened Boogaloo and Graham, these birds become more domesticated than most household pets. Raising their tiny charges, declaring themselves vegetarian and dreaming of running a chicken farm, the two boys are in for a shock when their parents announce that big changes are coming to the family. A delightful family-frien