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directed by Nicolas Wendl
10 min - Drama
directed by Nicolas Wendl
10 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: When Elisa confronts Sean about finally building towards the life they both dreamed of, it occurs to Sean that there's no time like the present to make a change. The question is, did he wait too long?
10 Minutes 0 Seconds
United States
United States
Never delay spending time with your loved ones. You never know when your whole world will turn upside-down.
Elisa is a film about priorities, about the intricacies of love, work and life in general. A well developed exploration of the nuances of a relationship that is in trouble.
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directed by Nicolas Wendl
SYNOPSIS: When Elisa confronts Sean about finally building towards the life they both dreamed of, it occurs to Sean that there's no time like the present to make a change. The question is, did he wait too long?