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Embrace Me
directed by Melissa-Kelly Franklin
15 min - Drama
Embrace Me
directed by Melissa-Kelly Franklin
15 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Two young women meet on the side of a remote highway; they are strangers to each other, however quickly form a strong bond which runs deeper than either of them expected, leading one of the pair to question who she is, and who she could be.
15 Minutes 35 Seconds
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
'Embrace Me' is a moving, intriguing short film, full of subtleties that grip the viewer. The aesthetic is incredible. Would definitely recommend!
The characters feel "real" in a piece that develops, adding layers and detail. I don't quite share the enthusiasm of some other reviewers, and I think the pace sometimes comes dangerously close to indulgence, but it's definitely worth watching.
A film to be seen and reviewed, and not only to appreciate the symbolism and interpretations of two exceptional actresses - Lucy Chappell in particular -, but also because in these times when the female issue is reduced only to politics from the #metoo this film must be seen by as many people as possible. Politics is a cage to deal with such a profound and fundamental issue that deserve to be t ...
The subtlety and beauty of this film takes my breath away. Layers upon layers of detail and symbolism. I have no words.
Sublimely filmed with a mystical atmosphere and splendid actresses. The ending leaves you mystified.
Superbly and eerily lighted, this film presents the inception of a budding female couple's romance from their first meeting to their eponymous embrace in a bedroom, rendered even more tantalizing by a white lie told to their neighbours.
Two things stuck out to me, I could feel the subtext, and the gradualness of the character's connection was skillfully done. However, I felt there could have been WAY more dialogue to tell me more about them...give me some backstory or more of a mutual connection or even work through any opposition or differences. But overall, decent watch! 8-)
Slow paced but that serves to let you appreciate the beautiful, artistic way this short is filmed. A thought provoking story of two strangers that leaves you wondering long after it has finished.
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Embrace Me
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Embrace Me
directed by Melissa-Kelly Franklin
SYNOPSIS: Two young women meet on the side of a remote highway; they are strangers to each other, however quickly form a strong bond which runs deeper than either of them expected, leading one of the pair to question who she is, and who she could be.