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From Dust We Came
directed by Sindre Kaupang
4 min - Comedy, Experimental, Mystery
From Dust We Came
directed by Sindre Kaupang
4 min - Comedy, Experimental, Mystery
SYNOPSIS: A curious chef finds herself in a kitchen with a beautiful, untouched island full of life. She finds an apron and a chef’s hat, and feels compelled to make something from the green and inviting vegetation on the island. After mixing in a mysterious and unidentified outside ingredient, she creates something extraordinary and powerful - the greatest achievement in the history of evolution. Then something unexpected happens that makes her regret one of the most profound moments in the process of
Comedy, Experimental, Mystery
4 Minutes 51 Seconds
1,100 GBP
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
2.35 : 1
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From Dust We Came
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From Dust We Came
directed by Sindre Kaupang
SYNOPSIS: A curious chef finds herself in a kitchen with a beautiful, untouched island full of life. She finds an apron and a chef’s hat, and feels compelled to make something from the green and inviting vegetation on the island. After mixing in a mysterious and unidentified outside ingredient, she creates something extraordinary and powerful - the greatest achievement in the history of evolution. Then something unexpected happens that makes her regret one of the most profound moments in the process of