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directed by Ethan Demarest
9 min - Drama
directed by Ethan Demarest
9 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: When a girl discovers a college letter addressed to her boyfriend, she is surprised to find that he has yet to open it. Upon asking him why she finds he himself doesn’t even know. Later, the girl discovers the letter - opened, but fearful to confront him, she avoids the topic entirely. With only a few short weeks of summer left, this will soon mark the end of their relationship, and possibly their friendship.
9 Minutes 11 Seconds
800 USD
United States
United States
Not the most exciting material, but hey, I BELIEVED it and related to it--great acting, great dialogue, and put together very well!
Simple but intelligent concept of one of the crossroads in our lives. All of us went through it at least once in our lifetime.
A simple yet intriguing concept that is made all the more intriguing by excellent performances and well written dialogue. Production quality suits the gritty feel of the film but never feels cheap or under developed.
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directed by Ethan Demarest
SYNOPSIS: When a girl discovers a college letter addressed to her boyfriend, she is surprised to find that he has yet to open it. Upon asking him why she finds he himself doesn’t even know. Later, the girl discovers the letter - opened, but fearful to confront him, she avoids the topic entirely. With only a few short weeks of summer left, this will soon mark the end of their relationship, and possibly their friendship.