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Perseverance (aka La Persévérance)
directed by Gabin Tellenne
27 min - Documentary, Biography, Drama
Perseverance (aka La Persévérance)
directed by Gabin Tellenne
27 min - Documentary, Biography, Drama
SYNOPSIS: Dimitri is Fish Captain in Trouville-sur-Mer, Normandy. accompanied with his deckhands, Joris and Omar, embarked on a trawler, they track fishes... Far from their families from Monday to Friday, in the harshness of the job, they face the whims of the sea. Welcome aboard of "La Persévérance".
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Perseverance (aka La Persévérance)
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Perseverance (aka La Persévérance)
directed by Gabin Tellenne
SYNOPSIS: Dimitri is Fish Captain in Trouville-sur-Mer, Normandy. accompanied with his deckhands, Joris and Omar, embarked on a trawler, they track fishes... Far from their families from Monday to Friday, in the harshness of the job, they face the whims of the sea. Welcome aboard of "La Persévérance".