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In de naam van de kater
directed by Thijs De Block
20 min - Drama
In de naam van de kater
directed by Thijs De Block
20 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Abraham is a traveling accordionist. He pulls in a sleepy rural village with a sheep and a huge hangover. Looking to the bar where he must act, he meets a priest, a woodcutter and a barmaid. Under the eye of a storm brings riotous Abraham lighting their path.
20 Minutes 0 Seconds
Wonderful cinematography followed by great acting and somewhat abstract and comical script makes this film a great piece of art.
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In de naam van de kater
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In de naam van de kater
directed by Thijs De Block
SYNOPSIS: Abraham is a traveling accordionist. He pulls in a sleepy rural village with a sheep and a huge hangover. Looking to the bar where he must act, he meets a priest, a woodcutter and a barmaid. Under the eye of a storm brings riotous Abraham lighting their path.