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directed by GIULIO NEGLIA
18 min - Comedy
directed by GIULIO NEGLIA
18 min - Comedy
SYNOPSIS: The attribute 'crowd' is not always look kindly upon, to the most not always its meaning alludes to a compliment, but for others it may be a sense of redemption, a breath of relief, a pebble removed from the shoe, a little brick that leads to dream the castle of life. They are the crowds. The 'crowds' are known to the most with the name of 'extras'. They hide in cinematographic works in the so-called 'mass scenes', perform the most vortical interpretations showing a certain versatility.
18 Minutes 11 Seconds
10,000 EUR
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directed by GIULIO NEGLIA
SYNOPSIS: The attribute 'crowd' is not always look kindly upon, to the most not always its meaning alludes to a compliment, but for others it may be a sense of redemption, a breath of relief, a pebble removed from the shoe, a little brick that leads to dream the castle of life. They are the crowds. The 'crowds' are known to the most with the name of 'extras'. They hide in cinematographic works in the so-called 'mass scenes', perform the most vortical interpretations showing a certain versatility.