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Get In, Get Done, Get Out
directed by Bálint Molnár
7 min - Comedy, Thriller
Get In, Get Done, Get Out
directed by Bálint Molnár
7 min - Comedy, Thriller
SYNOPSIS: Introducing Peta and Elijah, two very different people, about to embark on a mysterious 'job'. After their preparation, it becomes clear things aren't exactly as they seem- but nothing can prepare them for what they are about to face...
Comedy, Thriller
7 Minutes 13 Seconds
1,200 GBP
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
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Get In, Get Done, Get Out
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Get In, Get Done, Get Out
directed by Bálint Molnár
SYNOPSIS: Introducing Peta and Elijah, two very different people, about to embark on a mysterious 'job'. After their preparation, it becomes clear things aren't exactly as they seem- but nothing can prepare them for what they are about to face...