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In Support of Liberty: Philadelphia and the Greek War of Independence
directed by Eleftherios Kostans
20 min - Documentary, Drama
In Support of Liberty: Philadelphia and the Greek War of Independence
directed by Eleftherios Kostans
20 min - Documentary, Drama
SYNOPSIS: The film tells how Philadelphia's PhilHellenes supported the Greek War of Independence and how Philadelphia's Greek community is connected to this remarkable legacy.
20 Minutes 31 Seconds
United States
United States
Informative documentary, a solid educational tone including various interviews and perspectives.
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In Support of Liberty: Philadelphia and the Greek War of Independence
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In Support of Liberty: Philadelphia and the Greek War of Independence
directed by Eleftherios Kostans
SYNOPSIS: The film tells how Philadelphia's PhilHellenes supported the Greek War of Independence and how Philadelphia's Greek community is connected to this remarkable legacy.