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Joy Palace
directed by Frederik De Wilde & Leen Vandereyken
11 min - Biography, Drama, Family
Joy Palace
directed by Frederik De Wilde & Leen Vandereyken
11 min - Biography, Drama, Family
SYNOPSIS: After her daughter’s death, Vivianne neglects herself and her house. Since twenty years, she tries to fill up emptiness with stuff. But the situation becomes unbearable and she takes a dramatic decision to get rid of her grudging sense of guilt.
Biography, Drama, Family
11 Minutes 0 Seconds
Quite a dark, hopeless and sad tale told with style and an emphasis on the inner world of the character.
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Joy Palace
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Joy Palace
directed by Frederik De Wilde & Leen Vandereyken
SYNOPSIS: After her daughter’s death, Vivianne neglects herself and her house. Since twenty years, she tries to fill up emptiness with stuff. But the situation becomes unbearable and she takes a dramatic decision to get rid of her grudging sense of guilt.